Dr. Olla is published widely in academic and industry sectors, and at various local,national and international conferences. He has over 60 scientific publications in various domains such as Space Healthcare, and Technology.
Professor Olla has just completed his recent book Digital Healthcare which will be published by Springer. He has also completed the best selling Adaptive HMIS text co-authored with Professor Joseph Tan.
To date, Dr. Olla has achieved recognition for scholarship, service in teaching & learning with students. He has academic experience from Brunel University UK, Madonna University and Stanford University in USA, and University of Windsor / McMaster University from Canada.

Without knowledge action is useless and knowledge without action is futile.
Abu Bakr
The core premise underlying my research effort and interests is the creation of knowledge that can be applied to address real-world challenges. I take a multi-disciplinary approach to research with a strong emphasis on applying theoretical concepts from the Information Systems (IS) to disciplines such as health, education and entrepreneurship.
Speaking Engagements

• Michigan Campus Compact Finalist Award for partnerships with nonprofits organizations (2012)
• Michigan State Governor’s Award for services to the community (2008)
• Near Field Communication (NFC) Innovation competition (2008) MediPod Medical Portable information on Demand project.
• Finalist New York ehealth collaborative 2012 Innovation Competition with Temporal Data Analytics solution.
• Selected as a 2014 health innovation at the 2014 Connected Health Symposium innovation Awards in Boston.
Honored as one of the Top 30 innovators of 2011 by the mHealth Alliance and Rockefeller Foundation, for mClinic; a medical mobile diagnostic system for monitoring : SPO2, blood pressure, glucose monitor and temperature
Health taxonomy: a literature survey of mobile health applications
The role of knowledge management in the space industry: important or superfluous?
Creating architectural approaches to knowledge management: an example from the space industry
Developing a wireless reference model for interpreting complexity in wireless projects
Research Articles
Over 60 papers published in peer review journals, workshops and conference proceedings such as mHealth Summit, ICIS, AMCIS.
Commercial Industry Research: Created and published 3 commercial reports for wireless technology innovation. Presented to corporate clients in Japan, South Korea, Singapore, London, Scotland, and USA .